I have had many days where I doubt my ability in this whole new Mom role....today was NOT one of those days.
I got up and made a dish to pass for Thanksgiving tomorrow, did dishes and then made chili for dinner. All of Jonathan's feedings this am went well, and we were on our way to a good day (we have so few as of late).
I got a return call from the Dr. and he said he thought it was time to put Jonathan on medicine for his acid reflux. Let me explain what this is like as a parent. Your child throws up (not just spits up) with every burp. He leaks formula out of his mouth whenever he is laid down. Sometimes his food curdles in his stomach and it is like he is throwing up cottage cheese (sorry for the gross detail). He sounds like he is choking as he eats because as he tries to swallow, some food is trying to come back up too. While he eats and afterwards, he draws his knees up to hid belly in such pain from trying to digest his food. His face turns almost purple when he is trying to fart and he screams like he is losing an appendage when he has a bowel movement. This has not been pleasant and we have tried everything else to resolve the problem. I guess we are down to trying the medicine and praying that it works.
Chris got out of work early, so he stopped by the pharmacy and picked up the medicine. Right before Chris got out of work, I had to send him a test message (I didn't want to call in case he was busy) with what I considered an epic event. JONATHAN ROLLED OVER FOR THE FIRST TIME TODAY!!!! I have been reading up on milestones that he should achieve at certain ages, and didn't expect this for a while, especially considering he is a preemie and will be behind in his development for about the first year. I was so excited that he got excited and he started smiling from ear to ear-another milestone!! Social smiling!! While he was on the floor I held the arc that snaps into his bouncy that has toys hanging from it so he could see them. He grasped the bug and held on for a at least 2 minutes-that is also a first!! These are all things I have read about. He still isn't emulating us with vowel sounds, laughing or focusing on small objects, but otherwise he is doing great!!
I am so proud of my big strong boy!! At his 2 mos Dr visit he weighed in at a whopping 9lbs, 3oz and is 21 1/4" long!! This appt was actually about a week after my original due date! Holy big baby!! We did both cry as he had to get 4 shots and I wanted to smack the nurse for using my precious baby boy as a pincushion, but I understood the necessity.....so I restrained myself.
Sorry for the lack of pictures, I will be getting my camera back tomorrow.
Glad to hear he is learning new things so soon! Hope the meds work for his tummy!