Life has a steep learning curve-especially parenthood.

Life has a steep learning curve-especially parenthood. You can feel as if you are on a mountain
surrounded by majesty one moment, and plummeting off the edge the next.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Best Laid Plans

What was supposed to be a fun family moment, turned into the good old "keep the baby happy" trip....

Last year, shortly after bringing Jonathan home from the hospital, my mom and I took him to a pumpkin patch & cider mill not far from where we lived. He pretty much just napped in the stroller, but we popped him out now and then to take some pictures. We all had a great time!
The cutest pumpkin in the patch

Well, since Chris missed out last year, he was looking forward to going this year. Chris had to work part of the day and the pumpkin patch is not easy to get to-ie. no freeways - just surface streets, so after driving for almost 45 minutes (since it was rush hour) we arrived at the patch. The first sign that should've alerted us as to the tone of this trip was that we forgot the stroller.

Chris carried Jonathan for the first part and we looked in the little market before heading out to the barn. That was where the kids area, goats & chickens, and pumpkins were located along with the pickup spot for the hayrides. I remembered the ground just being grass, so we didn't bother to put any shoes on Jonathan.

Mommy was WRONG once again:( A large portion of the ground was covered in straw, especially in the barn.

Part of the point of the trip was to replicate the same pictures we took last year. I thought that would be a cute idea. Well, in theory I guess it was. In reality, we went to take the first picture, set his feet down on a straw bale behind the pumpkin and all heck broke loose in the form of tears and howling.

So we got one good picture.

All the rest are in the following tear ridden category, and he certainly wouldn't allow us to set him down to get anymore pictures.

I guess we will just look forward to next year and hope he enjoys it better. I am sure that in a few years we will look back on the pictures we took and laugh about the day. We also learned an important lesson. ALWAYS put shoes of some sort on him when we leave the house or at the very least bring them with us.


  1. Ah, you will look back on a day like this and laugh. It won't be the last, trust me.

  2. Love the pumpkin patch! Wish we had one around here! He is just old enough to show his expressions, and he will let you know how he feels! Hopefully next year will be better for you guys!
